Sunday 3 February 2013

Eating Eggs to Delay Hunger Pangs

An egg yolk has 60 calories and the egg white has 15 calories, if you put these together, one regular-sized egg contains 85 calories.

There is a good reason why eggs are recommended as part of a healthy diet. Aside from the fact that it is a very rich protein source, eggs also contain a host of vitamins and minerals that could give you nutrients your body needs to function properly. Recently, a lot of scientific studies have also proven the effectiveness of eggs to help a person lose weight.

Studies Prove Egg’s Effectiveness in Losing Weight
In one relatively small study, it was found out that test subjects who ate eggs for breakfast took more time to feel the first pangs of hunger compared to those who only ate a bowl of cereal. Researchers observed that egg protein is efficient at keeping a person feeling full for a longer period of time in comparison to wheat.
Researchers also believe that for individuals who aim at losing weight, what deserves more attention is the kind of protein incorporated in the diet, rather than the amount consumed. And the study relating to protein in eggs is proof that a diet that contains a higher quality of protein significantly increases satiety, resulting to far better adherence to the diet.

Advantages of Eating Eggs as Part of your Weight Loss Diet
Having said that egg is an essential part of your loss weight diet, here are some advantages that could convince you to make it a habit to eat eggs regularly:

Egg is a healthy diet promoter. Egg is considered a high nutrient density food because it gives the human body a lot benefits for its various nutrients, but without adding excess calories.

Egg is rich in leucine, an amino acid that aids weight reduction. Leucine is also an essential component that helps stabilize blood glucose levels.

Egg helps you feel full and keep you satiated for an extended period of time compared to the usual breakfast staple.

Eggs increase your body’s metabolism through choline. This is one of egg’s essential nutrients, and it facilitates for the regular function of all cells, including those that are involved in the body’s metabolism.
When you incorporate eggs into your diet, especially during breakfast, avoid frying it because then you have to add some cooking oil to prepare it.

Foods That Can Mess Up Your Diet

Yes, you may know of the fact that some foods can really mess up your carefully constructed diet plan, but do you know that there are also “healthy foods” that can mess up your diet? You do not have to be an expert to know these foods. With careful research, you’ll come up with this diet wrecker list.
Examples of Foods That Mess Up the Diet

Water is definitely a healthy drink. There are so many benefits of drinking water, but all these will be for nothing when you drink flavoured water. Do not be fooled into buying flavoured water that has so-called “added vitamins”. This has loads of calories and sugar comparable to sodas.

Fat-free and diet foods are so popular these days that it’s hard to overlook these products. But there’s a reason why you need to read labels on them closely.  They may contain an overabundance of sugar, salt, or calories. The same holds true for diet sodas. These types of beverages use sweeteners to substitute for sugar, but can be as equally harmful to your diet.

When you want to lose weight, the first food you turn to is a good salad. Regardless of the type of salad you eat, remember to choose the dressing carefully. Always go for healthy, low-fat mayo. If you’re making your own salad, then choose healthier alternatives like a balsamic vinegar and olive oil mixture. When you eat salads, also make sure that there are no heaps of meat in it because it defeats your weight loss plan.

In a quest to eliminate soda as part of your daily staple you may go for iced tea. However, this beverage contains just as much sugar. Just because it has the name tea in it, it doesn’t mean it is healthy. If you are looking for healthier drinks go for authentic green tea.

Granola bars are the ultimate snacks that you can buy anywhere. With all the oats and fiber contained in this bar, it’s amazing how you can overlook the sugar content of one bar. Be careful when choosing a granola bar because some brands may contain high sugar. Always check the bar’s label to ensure that you are buying a low-calorie, low-sugar brand.

While there are some foods that could mess up your diet, food cravings are hard to control. When you have an attack of food cravings, satisfy yourself with just a very small portion of that specific craving. Just make sure that you don’t eat too much!